Saturday 4 May 2013

Tutorial SPAM Local Disk

Method :

1. Open Notepad

2. Copy the code given below

@ echo off
rem ---------------------------------
rem Spam Local Disk
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'
echo %random% > 'C:\%random%.txt'

3. Save as "Anything.bat"

Warning :
Do not try this on your own computer. I will not be responsible for any damages caused to your computer.


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